/**************************************** General Use *************************************/
$langhash[tel] = "Tel.";
$langhash[fax] = "Fax";
$langhash[others] = "Others";
$langhash[website] = "Website";
$langhash[navTotal] = "Total";
$langhash[navDisplay] = "Display";
$langhash[navPage] = "Page";
$langhash[btn_back] = 'Back';
$langhash[btn_next] = 'Next';
$langhash[btn_details] = 'Details';
/**************************************** Buyer Form / Member Profile *************************************/
$langhash[address] = "Address";
$langhash[city] = "City";
$langhash[company] = "Company";
$langhash[country] = "Country";
$langhash[contact_no] = "Contact No.";
$langhash[email] = "Email";
$langhash[female] = "Female";
$langhash[fill_buyer_info] = "Please fill in the following information ( * must fill in )";
$langhash[deliver_to_friend] = "Deliver to friend / Delivery address is different from address above";
$langhash[delivery_region] = "Delivery Region";
$langhash[delivery_method] = "Delivery Method";
$langhash[forget_password] = "Forget Password";
$langhash[gender] = "Gender";
$langhash[male] = "Male";
$langhash[name] = "Name";
$langhash[payment_method] = "Payment Method";
$langhash[please_select_area] = "Please Select Area";
$langhash[post_code] = "Post Code";
$langhash[profile] = "Profile";
$langhash[remark] = "Remark";
$langhash[recipient_address] = "Recipient Address";
$langhash[recipient_delivery_region] = "Recipient Delivery Region";
$langhash[recipient_name] = "Recipient Name";
$langhash[recipient_contact_no] = "Recipient Contact No.";
$langhash[salutation] = "Salutation";
/**************************************** Community / Membership System *************************************/
$langhash[login] = "Login";
$langhash[member_login] = "Member Login";
$langhash[occupation] = "Occupation";
$langhash[password] = "Password";
$langhash[request_password] = "Please fill in below, you will receive the password back after authenciation";
$langhash[signup] = "Signup";
$langhash[signup_now] = "Signup Now";
$langhash[username] = "Username";
$langhash[verify_password] = "Verify Password";
/********************************** Indicator Show Next to Item for Membership Discount Offer **********************************/
$langhash[G_offer_indicator] = "[G]";
$langhash[P_offer_indicator] = "[P]";
/**************************************** eShop / Shopping Cart *************************************/
$langhash[back_to_previous_page] = "Back to Previous Page";
$langhash[back_to_shopping] = "Back to Shopping";
$langhash[buy_total] = "Buy Total";
$langhash[cart_summary] = "Cart Summary";
$langhash[checkout] = "Check Out";
$langhash[contains] = "Contains";
$langhash[empty_cart] = "Empty Cart";
$langhash[grand_total] = "Grand Total";
$langhash[handling] = "Handling";
$langhash[promo_discount] = "Promotion Discount";
$langhash[insurance] = "Insurance";
$langhash[item_code] = "Item Code";
$langhash[item_id] = "Item ID";
$langhash[items_in_cart] = "";
$langhash[item] = "Item";
$langhash[items] = "Items";
$langhash[item_name] = "Item Name";
$langhash[item_desc] = "Description";
$langhash[order_date] = "Order Date";
$langhash[order_no] = "Order Number";
$langhash[original_price] = "Original Price";
$langhash[member_price] = "Member Price";
$langhash[price] = "Price";
$langhash[product_name] = "Product Name";
$langhash[quantity] = "Quantity";
$langhash[order_reference] = "Order Reference";
$langhash[request_webmaster_contact] = "We will contact you according to your request";
$langhash[remove] = "Remove";
$langhash[ship_cost] = "Ship Cost";
$langhash[special_price] = "Special Price";
$langhash[subtotal] = "Sub Total";
$langhash[total] = "Total";
$langhash[total_weight] = "Total Weight";
$langhash[update] = "Update";
$langhash[view_cart] = "View Cart";
// Order Status
$langhash[delivery_status] = "Delivery Status";
$langhash[free_ship_cost] = "Free";
$langhash[order_confirmation] = "Order Confirmation";
$langhash[invalid_credit_card] = "Invalid Credit Card";
$langhash[invoice] = "Invoice";
$langhash[receipt] = "Receipt";
$langhash[confirm_order] = "Please verify the information,
Press \"Confirm\" to proceed the order if this is correct";
$langhash[print_out_receipt] = "Please print out this for backup";
$langhash[order_cancel] = "Order Status: Cancelled by User";
$langhash[order_mail_sent] = "We have sent an email to your mailbox, you may click below link to review your order";
$langhash[order_query] = "If your have any query about this order, please contact us at";
$langhash[order_suspicious] = "Order Status : Suspicious";
$langhash[order_void] = "Order Status : VOID";
$langhash[pending_ship_cost] = "T.B.C.";
$langhash[paypal_pending] = "PayPal Payment Pending -- Reason";
$langhash[suspicious_order] = "Suspicious Order - Pls. Investigate with PayPal";
$langhash[txn_in_progress] = "Transaction in progress, please wait ..... ";
$langhash[txn_pending] = "Transaction Pending";
$langhash[txn_ref_no] = "Transaction Ref. No ";
$langhash[order_notice] = "Order Notice";
$langhash[order_payment] = "Order Payment";
// System Message for Shopping Cart
$langhash[already_added_items] = "Your shopping cart already has (number) (item_unit) of \"(item_name)\"";
$langhash[add_rest_items] = "Do you need to order the rest (remain_qty) (item_unit) from stock";
$langhash[missing] = "Missing ";
$langhash[no] = "No";
$langhash[no_items_in_cart] = "There has no items in your Shopping Cart";
$langhash[sorry] = "Sorry";
$langhash[insufficient_stock] = "\"(item_name)\" has only (stock) (item_unit) in stock";
$langhash[invalid_email] = "Invalid Email";
$langhash[invalid_submission] = "Invalid Submission";
$langhash[invalid_add_quantity] = "Cannot add (invalid_qty_value) (item_unit) of items";
$langhash[invalid_order_quantity] = "Cannot order (invalid_qty) (item_unit) of items";
$langhash[invalid_add_items] = "Invalid Submission";
$langhash[unavailable_to_checkout] = "Unavailable to check out";
$langhash[yes] = "Yes";
// System Message for Membership System
$langhash[please_fill_in] = "Pleas fill in ";
$langhash[first_name] = "First Name";
$langhash[last_name] = "Last Name";
$langhash[surname] = "Surname";
$langhash[organization] = "Organization";
$langhash[region] = "Region";
$langhash[duplicate_email] = "Email has been registered !! Please try again";
$langhash[nickname] = "Nickname";
$langhash[duplicate_nickname] = "Nickname has been registered !! Please try again";
$langhash[duplicate_username] = "Username has been registered!! Please try again";
$langhash[invalid_nickname] = "Invalid Nickname";
$langhash[invalid_username] = "Invalid Username";
$langhash[invalid_password] = "Invalid Password";
$langhash[less_3_letters] = "Cannot less than 3 letters";
$langhash[less_4_letters] = "Cannot less than 4 letters";
$langhash[less_6_letters] = "Cannot less than 6 letters";
$langhash[more_12_letters] = "Cannot more than 12 letters";
$langhash[username_pattern] = "Please only use (a-z) (0-9) & (_)";
$langhash[password_pattern] = "Please only use (a-z) (0-9) & (_)";
$langhash[password_not_match] = "The 2 passwords do not match";
$langhash[confirm_password_fail] = "Confirm password fails";
$langhash[email_not_match] = "The 2 email addresses do not match";
$langhash[same_email_input] = "The new email cannot be same as the old email";
$langhash[accept_tos] = "Please make sure to accept terms of use";
$langhash[add_user_error] = "Error occurs during adding a new user";
$langhash[update_user_error] = "Error occurs during updating user";
$langhash[login_fail] = "Login incorrect
Please check and try again";
$langhash[login_fail2] = "Login incorrect, or memebership has not been activated
Please check and try again";
$langhash[login_expired] = "Login has expired. Please re-login";
$langhash[ask_for_register] = "If you are not a member yet, please kindly click here to ";
$langhash[register] = "Register";
/**************************************** Forum ***************************************/
$langhash[create_new_forum] = 'Create New Forum';
$langhash[forum_title] = 'Forum Title';
$langhash[forum_new_category] = 'New Category';
$langhash[forum_existing_Cat] = 'or Existing Category';
$langhash[forum_description] = 'Description';
$langhash[forum_option] = 'Option';
$langhash[forum_protected] = 'Private (Password Protected)';
$langhash[edit_forum] = 'Edit Forum';
$langhash[forum_id] = 'Forum ID';
$langhash[forum_cat_name] = 'Category';
$langhash[forum_open] = 'Open';
$langhash[forum_close] = 'Close';
$langhash[forum_pwd_change] = 'To reset/change, enter a new one below';
$langhash[forum_topic] = 'Topic';
$langhash[forum_topics] = 'Topics';
$langhash[forum_message] = 'Message';
$langhash[forum_messages] = 'Messages';
$langhash[forum] = 'Forum';
$langhash[forum_last_post] = 'Latest (HKT)';
$langhash[forum_index] = 'INDEX';
$langhash[forum_member_code] = 'Member Code';
$langhash[forum_main_statistics] = 'Main Statistics';
$langhash[forum_forum_stat] = '# Forums' ;
$langhash[forum_topic_stat] = '# Topics';
$langhash[forum_msg_stat] = '# Messages';
$langhash[forum_users_stat] = 'Users';
$langhash[forum_legend] = 'Legend';
$langhash[forum_new_msg] = 'New Message';
$langhash[forum_no_new_msg] = 'No New Message';
$langhash[forum_poster] = 'Poster';
$langhash[forum_post_date] = 'Post Date';
$langhash[forum_edit_date] = 'Edit Date';
$langhash[forum_edit] = 'Edit';
$langhash[forum_delete] = 'Delete';
$langhash[forum_quote] = 'Quote';
$langhash[forum_display_msg] = 'Display Message';
$langhash[forum_msg_total] = 'No. of Messages';
$langhash[forum_display_topic] = 'Display Topic';
$langhash[forum_topic_total] = 'No. of Topics';
$langhash[forum_to] = 'To';
$langhash[forum_page] = 'Page';
$langhash[forum_reply] = 'Reply';
$langhash[forum_visit] = 'Visit';
$langhash[forum_owner] = 'Owner';
$langhash[forum_add_new] = 'Add New Forum';
$langhash[forum_last_visit] = 'Your Last Visit';
$langhash[forum_admin_options] = "Administrative Options";
$langhash[forum_post_reply] = "Post Reply";
$langhash[forum_new_topic] = "New Topic";
$langhash[forum_no_topics] = "No messages available for this forum";
$langhash[forum_no_topics1] = "No messages have been posted to this forum. This forum can only be posted by Administrators";
$langhash[forum_post_one] = "Post one";
$langhash[forum_visitor] = "Visitor";
$langhash[forum_edit_msg] = "Edit Message";
$langhash[forum_post_new_topic] = "Post New Topic";
$langhash[forum_reply_to_topic] = "Reply to Topic";
$langhash[forum_manage_forums] = "Manage Forums";
// Managing Forum
$langhash[forum_close_topic] = "Close Topic";
$langhash[forum_open_topic] = "Open Topic";
$langhash[forum_close_msg] = "Close Message";
$langhash[forum_open_msg] = "Open Message";
$langhash[forum_open] = "Open";
$langhash[forum_closed] = "Closed";
$langhash[forum_status] = "Status";
$langhash[forum_actions] = "Actions";
$langhash[forum_add_forum] = "Add Forum";
$langhash[forum_edit_forum] = "Edit Forum";
$langhash[forum_save] = "Save";
$langhash[forum_cancel] = "Cancel";
$langhash[forum_confirm_delete_msg] = "Are you sure to delete this forum";
$langhash[forum_confirm_delete] = "Confirm Delete";
$langhash[no_right_to_add_forum] = "You do not have sufficient access to add forums";
/**************************************** Customer Data *************************************/
$langhash[alert_fields] = "Please fill in all the fields";
$langhash[fill_text] = "Please provide information of below and we will contact you shortly";
$langhash[inquiry] = "Roll Inquiry";
$langhash[Sheet] = "Sheet Inquiry";
$langhash[wide] = "Wide";
$langhash[long] = "Long";
$langhash[fill_email] = "Invalid email address";
$langhash[upload_msg] = "File upload (only accepts .ai & .psd format)";
$langhash[file] = "File";
$langhash[packing] = "Packing";
$langhash[roll] = "Roll";
$langhash[sheet] = "Sheet";
$langhash[Printing] = "Printing Inquiry";
$langhash[min_order_stmt] = "Sorry : Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) is required";
$langhash[your_current_order] = "For this category you should order below more amount";
$langhash[category] = "Category";